Epic Mountain Express/Colorado Mountain Express致力于为使用或访问公司互联网网站的用户提供一个安全可靠的互联网环境,尊重和保护他们的个人隐私. 以下隐私政策适用于本公司维护或运营的每个网站(以下简称“网站”), and we ask you to read it thoroughly.

Our Pledge

  • 如果您明确指示我们不要发布您的个人身份信息(除非需要提供您明确要求的bet356体育在线网址投注),我们将不会发布您的个人身份信息, or if we believe disclosure is necessary under one of the exceptions discussed below).
  • 我们将提供机制,让您与我们沟通您的隐私问题和担忧,我们将尽一切努力予以回应.

Your Consent

By using the services provided to you through the Web site, you consent to the collection and use of your information as outlined in this Privacy Policy. We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time, 但所有的变化将发布到这个页面,以便您可以继续了解我们收集的信息和我们如何使用它. Changes are effective when posted to this page, and your continued use after any change is posted is an acceptance of the change.

Helpful Definitions

  • “Personally identifiable information” is information-such as name, birth date, e-mail address or mailing address, financial information and other types of information that can be used to uniquely identify a user.
  • “Anonymous Information” is information that does not personally identify you. 这包括有关您如何使用我们网站的信息(例如访问过的地点和执行的搜索查询)。. Anonymous information also includes the domain names and/or I.P. addresses (as explained in greater detail below) of browsers that visit our site, time of day the site was visited, and other non-personally identifiable information. Anonymous information is information that is not tied to any individual.

Collection and Use of Personally Identifiable Information


您可以访问bet356亚洲版体育,而不告诉我们您是谁或向我们透露您的任何个人身份信息. 只有当您希望获得额外的bet356体育在线网址投注或商品时,我们可能会要求您通过提供某些个人身份信息向我们注册,我们可能会要求您选择用户名和密码. The Company will use this information to:

  • Welcome you to the Web site.
  • Send communications from to you about the Web site, including new features and services available through the Web site.
  • Share your information with affiliates, and allow them to contact you directly, if you have consented to this beforehand.
  • 验证您是否有资格获得我们在网站上提供的商品或bet356体育在线网址投注或其他计划或活动.

如果您在注册时向我们表明您不希望接收某些类型的通信, we will respect your wishes, and comply with your preferences, however there may be cases where this will limit the Web site services available to you.

Sharing Personally Identifiable Information with Third Parties

If we share Personally Identifiable information with third parties to which you have consented, they may use the data we provide them (sometimes, in connection with other information they may have gathered about you), 但未经您的同意,我们通常禁止与其他公司或个人分享这些信息.

PLEASE NOTE: In certain special cases, 当我们有理由相信需要披露您的个人身份信息时,我们可能会披露您的个人身份信息, contact or bring legal action against someone who may be causing injury to you, or otherwise injuring or interfering with the Company’s rights, property or operations, other Web site users, or anyone else who could be harmed by such activities. We may also disclose your personally identifiable information when we believe the law requires it, 或者是为了回应与刑事调查有关的执法机关的任何要求, 或与未决民事案件或行政调查有关的民事或行政机关.

Anonymous Information

When you use the Web site, we may collect anonymous information, even if you have not registered with the Company. 我们可能会使用这些信息来检查网站的使用情况,或帮助公司改善向用户提供的bet356体育在线网址投注. 本公司不会与第三方分享您使用本网站的任何匿名信息,如果我们知道第三方将这些匿名信息与您从其他来源获得的个人身份信息bet356亚洲版体育在一起, unless we have given you notice as described above and you have given us authorization to do so.


“cookie”是从网络bet356体育在线网址投注器发送到浏览器并存储在计算机硬盘上的一小段数据. Cookies是互联网站点分配给您的浏览器的一段无害的代码,用于在您使用网站时跟踪您的身份. 由于网站只能读取它创建的cookie,因此没有将硬盘上的信息暴露给外部世界的风险.


The Company may employ or use cookies from time to time. 在cookies被使用之前,您可以选择是否参与cookies的使用. Third parties, however, may have their own policies about the use or cookies, and the Company does not have control over these practices. 您有责任从第三方网站获取有关cookie的信息,如果您认为这很重要的话.

As a general rule, you can choose whether to accept cookies by changing the settings of your browser. You can reset your browser to refuse all cookies, or allow your browser to show you when a cookie is being sent. If you choose not to accept these cookies, 您在本网站和其他网站的体验可能会减少,某些功能可能无法正常bet356亚洲版体育.

Use of IP Addresses

An Internet Protocol (IP) address is a set of numbers that is assigned to your computer. 网络bet356体育在线网址投注器——提供供浏览的网页的功能强大的计算机——在你上网期间通过分配给它的IP地址自动识别你的计算机.

本公司可能会收集IP地址用于系统管理以及监控和审计网站的使用情况. 当我们认为有必要强制执行公司的使用条款或bet356体育在线网址投注条款时,我们可以并且将使用IP地址来识别网站的用户, or to protect our service, site, or other users. 除非您授权我们这样做,否则我们不会与任何第三方共享或出售链接的用户行为和个人用户信息.

PLEASE NOTE: Under certain circumstances, IP addresses and/or domain names may be linked to personally identifiable information, 当所述信息存储在由互联网注册商或注册管理机构(如Network Solutions)管理的数据库中时.

Third Party Relationships

WEB SITES THAT ARE OPERATED OR MAINTAINED BY THIRD PARTIES ARE NOT COVERED BY THIS PRIVACY POLICY. Whenever you authorize the Company to share information about you with third parties, you are responsible for determining whether the third party employs an acceptable privacy policy. This includes Google Adwords, which may be used to optimize and serve ads based on someone’s past visits. The Company does not automatically make this determination for you, 并且不保证任何特定第三方维持您可接受的隐私政策.


The Company operates secure data networks protected by industry standard procedures, to attempt to protect against the loss, misuse and alteration of your user data under our control.
Only authorized employees have access to the information you provide us. For example, 对于有权访问存储用户信息的数据库或托管我们bet356体育在线网址投注bet356体育在线网址投注器的员工,我们实行严格的规定. While we cannot guarantee that loss, misuse or alteration to data will not occur; we will make every effort (such as the use of employee passwords and non-disclosure agreements) to prevent such unfortunate occurrences.

Contacting Us

If you have questions about this privacy policy or the practices of this site, please contact: feedback@maptomastery.com